They are coming!
It's all over in the news, anti-gunners and anti-2nd Amendment groups are looking to strip you of your guns and your rights… They do not care about the 2nd Amendment or what rights it provides to you. These individuals and groups are coming for your rights and your guns…
Will you join the fight against them?
2ACoin is making plans to rally the Pro-2nd Amendment troops to join the fight.
Today, we are announcing our alliance with the National Second Amendment Association (N2AA.Org) and providing a sneak peek at what is in-store for the Pro-2A Community.
Our Alliance with the
What is the, you ask? What is their purpose? From their website, it states;
The goal of the N2AA is to bring supporters of the 2nd amendment together in a world which is constantly trying to tear us apart.
The has some big plans to reach this goal. Plans that will be revealed soon! If you visit their website, you will see a countdown clock, counting down to November 5th, 2019. At which time the details of their plan will be revealed.
While we will not, “Let the Cat Out of the Bag” about their plans. The 2ACoin developers wanted to announce our allegiance with and let you know 2ACoin ARMS will be a big part of what the has in-store. However, we cannot provide any more details about the plans at this time.
Over the coming days and weeks, before November 5th 2019, we will provide more details as released about the plans. Until then, we suggest you visit their website ( and subscribe to their email list to stay abreast of the updates!
The 2ACoin team will release details here too, so check our website often.
2ACoin is designed and developed to support the American Right to “Keep and Bear Arms” as set forth in the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights established on December 15, 1791. To meet this goal, 2ACoin includes a pre-mine of 10% of the total available coins (1.791 million ARMS) that will be donated to the Firearm Community over the next 10 years.
We are excited to announce our alliance with the National Second Amendment Association ( and we are anxiously awaiting their announcement on November 5th, 2019.
If you have any comments or feedback about this announcement. Please provide them below.
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