Weekly News & Updates – Week of 12/01/2019
This blog post contains the latest happenings related to 2ACoin and the 2ACoin community.
NOTE – This update contains a summary of the last 2 weeks. All of the events, holidays, and happenings during that time period delayed the Weekly News & Updates for the week of 11/24/2019.
The highlights around 2ACoin for this week are listed below.
This Week's News & Updates are;
- 2ACoin switched POW algorithm to Argon2/Chukwa
- First FREE gunshow located in St. Louis, Mo.
- 2ACoin Community Involvement
- Community Projects – Share Yours
Details of this Week's News & Updates follow in the sections below;
2ACoin POW Algorithm Switch to Argon2/Chukwa
On November 22nd @ 06:14:34 CST when Block 455,001 was created, it became official – 2ACoin now uses Argon2/Chukwa for it's POW algorithm.
The primary purpose of the switch to the Argon2/Chukwa POW algorithm was to ensure ASIC resistance for the 2ACoin network for the foreseeable future.
Argon2/Chukwa is actually Argon2.
What is Argon2?
– Memory hard algorithm
– Source code is GPL-3.0 compatible
– Easily integrated into the core code, pools, etc
– Argon2 is the memory hard winner of the 2015 Password Hashing Competition (PHC).
Argon2 is also relatively unique in that it allows for a high-level of customization in how the POW hashes are calculated including parameters such as:
– The number of threads to use (parallelism)
– Arbitrary resultant hash length
– Memory requirements (memory hardness)
– Number of iterations (time cost)
– The use of salts
There are a handful of other CryptoNote coins that utilize the Argon2 algorithm as listed below;
The 2ACoin Team believes that this is a good move for the network and we expect that the switch will be beneficial to the 2ACoin community for years to come.
Give us your feedback and let us know your thoughts!
2ACoin ARMS Supports America's First FREE Gun Show
Militia Armaments and 2ACoin created an alliance to promote/produce America's First Free Gun Show.
The event occurred over the weekend from November 22nd – November 24th in St. Charles, Mo. and had been announced on the Militia Armaments Gun Show website for several months with a quiet teaser of “more details to come”. Militia Armaments, N2AA.org, and 2ACoin worked together to build-out the N2AA.Org site where member's can earn 2ACoin ARMS from activity on the N2AA Social Media Platform.
Basically, to gain FREE access into the gun show, all a member had to do was participate on the N2AA site, earn 2ACoin/ARMS, and then redeem their ARMS for tickets to the show. Show tickets were listed for just 7 ARMS per person.
Here's some images we wanted to share from the show.
The 2ACoin Team would like to thank Militia Armaments and N2AA.org for their support of 2ACoin. 2ACoin looks forward to working with Militia Armaments/N2AA in future Gun Shows.
We encourage you to support the N2AA.org website, signup now!
2ACoin Community Involvement
We need your help! As you can see from many of this week's announcements… 2ACoin is growing, we expect that the events over the coming weeks & months will have a huge impact on 2ACoin and our community members. We need members that are excited about 2ACoin and are willing to contribute to it's growth. We're looking for the following;
- Developers (C++, React, Javascript, MySQL, GIT, Linux experience needed, Android & IOS desired)
- Marketers (video, social media,
- Testers (JIRA, Test Scripts, etc.)
- Members (Get involved tell your friends about 2ACoin)
Help us to build 2ACoin into the strong 2nd Amendment voice that we know it can be. Get involved and support your 2A rights!!
Community Projects – Share your Project
Do you have a really cool 2ACoin Community Project that you have been working on? Would you like to share your project?
We're looking for projects that are specifically built around 2ACoin, leveraging our extensive API and 2ACoin Core features. If you have such a project, let us know so that we can highlight it here for all of our community members to see.
We'd love to feature your project in our next Weekly News & Updates!
2ACoin is designed and developed to support the American Right to “Keep and Bear Arms” as set forth in the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights established on December 15, 1791. To meet this goal, 2ACoin includes a pre-mine of 10% of the total available coins (1.791 million ARMS) that will be donated to the Firearm Community over the next 10 years.
2ACoin is growing and we need your help!
You can see from these announcements all that we have going on in our community. The upcoming events will have a major impact on 2ACoin and our members. Get involved and support the cause championed by 2ACoin and help build a solid future!
If you have any comments or feedback about this announcement. Please provide them below.
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